BŌSŌ TOKYO 【English version】

they come‼️ ┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨

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Today I'm going to write about BŌSŌ TOKYO.

I'm not used to writing like this, and I try to write in my own words as much as possible, so it's a long and rambling article...

But I want to support BŌSŌ TOKYO as much as I can, so I'm going to write this. If only I can convey my enthusiasm

*This blog is not intended to promote the purchase of BŌSŌ TOKYO NFT. If you wish to purchase the product, please do so with DYOR.

ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ(I ain't gonna be responsible for you reading my blog and wanting to buy it so bad!)



BŌSŌ TOKYO is a project to create a new identity brand for the Metaverse era, depicted in the world of biker culture and cyber science fiction by Hidetaka Tenjin, one of Japan's leading illustrators.

In the world of Japan's unique BOSOUZOKU culture and cyber SF, the project will be a project to transmit Japanese culture from Japan to the world, while seeking freedom, riding a motorcycle, and running through the metaverse space in all directions under the banner of "電上電下唯我独尊" in a Web3 world free from various restrictions. This is a project that will send out Japanese culture from Japan to the world.

There are three types of NFT design attributes

There are three types of NFTs: Humans (飛遊曼), who have the appearance of humans, Machines (魔姿隠), and Chimera (鬼滅羅), who are a mixture of animals and machines, and each has a different appearance and characteristics as an NFT.



It was the first NFT that I minted when I entered the Web3 area, and I have been supporting this project from the first day of minting until now.

The three characters that always appear in this blog are the NFTs of Runaway Tokyo, and they are my own children. I'm so attached to them that I use them as my profile picture on all sorts of social networking sites. They have become my identity.

I'd like to talk about the charm of BŌSŌ TOKYO as much as I can!


The charm of BŌSŌ TOKYO -暴走東京- ① :It's just so cool!

Have you had a chance to have a look at the official website? It's no exaggeration to say that there's nothing more to say about it.

It's just so cool! This is one word. Hats off to this sense of style.

And look at the NFT! I'm going to give you a special look at the three I have!


Please enlarge these pictures if you like. I hope you can see the beauty of it.

Show yourself!


Yes sorry. Now let me show you a special enlarged image.

How do you like this mechamekkashii? It's so cool, it's almost too cool.

For a month after I minted it, I spent every day looking at my NFT and other holders' PFPs and muttering "Cool!

There's a good reason why it's so cool.


BŌSŌ TOKYO -暴走東京- Attraction ② :Hidetaka Tenjin

BŌSŌ TOKYO is designed by Hidetaka Tenjin, one of Japan's leading illustrators.

The more I look into him, the more I realize that he has a very impressive background, but I'll leave that for Wikipedia to look at, so let me give you a brief introduction...

He draws box art for Gundam, Macross, Star Wars, Dougram, Evangelion and more!

That's why the quality of the picture above is so horribly high.

Doesn't this just give you the chills? A picture drawn by such a person becomes your own NFT and becomes yours, right? Isn't it amazing?

Tenjin-san is also a voice actor and has even designed the mechanics of a real robot. He has won several international awards and is a truly amazing person.

On a side note, I had the pleasure of meeting Tenjin-san at the recent Runaway Tokyo event!

I was too nervous to talk to him for a bit, but I was able to talk about my NFT as well. It was very emotional.

Such wonderful events can happen at BŌSŌ TOKYO (I'll explain later).

BŌSŌ TOKYO -暴走東京- Attraction ③: Attention to detail and a playful spirit

Let's take a closer look at the NFT we saw earlier.

There are letters here and there.

電上電下唯我独尊  電下無双  伍世代通信  雷浮発火阿  亜乃似真素

Do you understand these? Can you read them?

They are based on the motif of a biker gang, so I'm using various words and things related to Web3 in the style of a biker gang.

Do you understand them? Can you read?

Since it's based on Japanese biker gangs, I used various words related to Web3 in a biker gang style.

When! These stickers are made with such thoughts in mind and are given out to us at events like this!

And the best part is this.

Do you know what that is? You know what it is, right?

It's an Uber Eats bag, a.k.a. U-Bag, a food delivery service that has probably become a part of the global culture.

In the world of BŌSŌ TOKYO, this is carried as BŌSŌ EATS.

Look at this reproduction.

By the way, what is "海放市場"?

Open Sea///

The NFT of BŌSŌ TOKYO, which is said to be cool, shows a variety of playfulness in this way.

It is one of the pleasures of BŌSŌ TOKYO to find the playfulness hidden in each and every one of them.

If you like, you can find them at 海放市場!

The person who has done such an interesting thing is Afromance, the creative director of BŌSŌ TOKYO.

BŌSŌ TOKYO -暴走東京- Attraction ④:Mr. Afromance

Afromance, CEO of

Just looking at the names of some of the famous bubble pubs, RPG restaurants, magma and potato trains, drive-in festivals, and ghoul restaurants (ghoul restaurants) is enough to get you excited!

Every project I've seen has been exciting and fun. I've never been a part of one before, but I'd love to be a part of something one of these days.

Afromance, who has added the BŌSŌ EATS and numerous playful touches to NFT that I mentioned earlier, I actually met this person, and he was a very friendly person. As I mentioned, he does a lot of different things, so he must be very busy, but he surprised me with his participation in an offline meeting hosted by Holder, and he responded to my messages on SNS, and I was impressed by how skilled he is at making people happy.

Real events planned by these people, this is one of the main attractions of BŌSŌ TOKYO.

BŌSOO TOKYO -Runaway Tokyo- Attraction ⑤: Real Event

At Runaway Tokyo, we also put a lot of effort into real events.

I'm thinking of uploading information here sequentially as each event is held.

6/27(Mon) Shibuya WOMB "Launch Party


September 24(Sat)-25(Sun) Theatre Guild Daikanyama "AI Rabu You" (AI 羅武遊)

I participated in this AI 羅武遊!

At an event planned by YAO, which will be described later, the owner (BOSO CREW) exhibited art created using AI.

Of course it was not just an exhibition, there was also a reception with a DJ, and the entrance fee was free for holders during that time, and it was an event that became a utility.

I'm looking forward to seeing more events like this in the future.

BŌSŌ TOKYO -暴走東京- Attraction ⑥: YAO

Another aspect of Runaway Tokyo is a creator support project called YAO.

With the vision of "maximizing the potential of creators", this project aims to provide opportunities for many creators to think about the future of NFT art and be active in the world in various ways.

BŌSŌ TOKYO holders will have the right to vote for the works exhibited by the creators, and BŌSŌ TOKYO will support the creators with the highest number of votes. In addition, when a project is launched on "YAO", voters will be granted various privileges including an NFT airdrop.


The community design is being led by renowned entrepreneur kensuu of Al Corporation, which is developing a service centered on the creator economy.

Ah! You're the Marimo NFT!
marimo is always indebted
marimo NFT is a lot of fun too!

The above AI 羅武遊 event was also planned as a way to preserve the creative activities using AI art, which had been born out of one of the activities at YAO.

This is also something we are very much looking forward to in the future development of BŌSŌ TOKYO.

BŌSŌ TOKYO -暴走東京- utilities

I can't say enough about the charms of Runaway Tokyo, so I'll stop here for now and talk about the utilities.

There are five major types of NFT holder utilities.

(1) Staking the NFT

(2) Commercial use of NFT

(3) Using 3D avatars in the Metaverse

(4) Participation in holder-only events

(5) Holder-only community

(1) Staking the NFT

NFT in BŌSŌ TOKYO allows you to earn points by staking. This is called Revving, and there is a dedicated page on the official website.

These points are called RPM, and they start to accumulate from the time you start revving, and even if you stop revving once, they will be added from where you have accumulated them when you resume revving.

Once this RPM figure is accumulated, the NFT will be airdropped.

The NFTs that will be airdropped are "Tenjin's new artwork NFT" and "3D modeling NFT"!


There was also a glimpse of the design. Is this a 3D avatar?

Oh my God
Tenjin-san's detailed writing. You're going to recreate this...
I can't wait to see it.

The other artwork NFT is a painting by Tenjin-san, although I don't have any information about it at the moment. It is worth just to have it, and it is NFT, so it can be sold.


You will probably get something that you would definitely hesitate to sell if you were allowed to sell it.

However, it will be interesting to see how much it will be worth when sold.

And this isn't the only effect Revving has!

Within the BŌSŌ TOKYO  Discord, the odds of winning a WL Giveaway can change depending on how much RPM you've accumulated.

The BŌSŌ TOKYO Discord channel has a fairly high frequency of Giveaway draws for WL and other Giveaways for other projects.

This is a utility for us, as the WLs are often of high quality or difficult to find.

And some of these Giveaways have different winning probabilities depending on the total RPM value of the BŌSŌ TOKYO NFT you have.

In other words, it is advantageous to have multiple NFTs with long staking periods.

Admins can now remove the list of NFTs listed in her Revving.

So you have two options: list it or keep it.

Naturally, it is recommended to keep it without putting it on. Because the RPM saving benefits are huge!


And this mechanism will lead to an increase in the value of BŌSŌ TOKYO.

More people will choose Gachiho because the benefits of staking are greater, and the number of listings will go down, so fewer will be on the market, and the value will inevitably go up.

(2) Commercial use of NFT

There are more utilities in BŌSŌ TOKYO.

There is an extraordinary utility that allows commercial use of the NFT in your possession.

Holders can sell apparel such as T-shirts and goods such as mug cups by themselves using NFT pictures.


This is a picture by Hideki Tenjin.

Isn't this a tremendous thing?

Some people are selling apparel as soon as possible. On top of the original picture being cool, the design has transformed it into an even more amazing product.

The ideas for how to use it are endless. As long as you don't alter the picture, you can use it in many ways.

(3) Use 3D avatars in the Metaverse

This is said to be the next phase of Runaway Tokyo. The NFT you have will be airdropped as a 3D model, and furthermore, it will be available in multiple metaverse in the future.

This is the path that BŌSŌ TOKYO is trying to take.

No way, we're going to be able to enter the metaverse space!
Oh my God

There's no announcement at the moment as to which metaverse it will be available in, but it's with multiple metaverses, so expectations are high.

⑷Participate in holder-only events

If you think they're aiming to expand in the metaverse, they also do a good job of developing the physical. BŌSŌ TOKYO is a very broad and enjoyable project.

The real events mentioned above are also limited to holders with free all you can drink, and this is already starting to happen.

It seems that they are going to hold a bigger event in the future and invite us runaway holders there.

After all, the organizer of the community is Mr. Afromance, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what he will do.

Many utilities like this entertain and excite the holders.

(5) Owner-only community

Maybe the best thing about my purchase of the BŌSŌ TOKYO NFT is that I think it's the best thing I've ever done.

I'm having too much fun with it, so I feel like I'm getting more and more into BŌSŌ TOKYO.

The BŌSŌ TOKYO community is on Discord. Anyone can join here.

But here the holder of Runaway Tokyo NFT can get the roll BOSO CREW (暴走狂).

The world within the community will then completely change.

You will be able to see a lot of channels that were not displayed before. About twice as many?

This is the BOSO CREW, a community for BŌSŌ TOKYO holders only.

BŌSŌ TOKYO Holder is called BOSO CREW (暴走狂). This name was decided by the first vote.

There are English chat, Chinese chat, and Japanese chat in here respectively, and there are posts quite frequently.

There are also posts on several other channels, including the Business Channel, CryptoTalk, NFT Talk, and the CREW Giveaway.

This is a fun place.

For example, on the NFT Talk channel, many NFT friends are discussing information about NFTs around the world.

I have seen some places to talk about NFT in Japan, but I can only get information about NFT in other countries here. Because I can't read English.

Everyone who participates is quite well-informed, so I am always grateful for their help.

To be honest, I feel it's well worth it to become a CREW just to join here.

There is also a BOSO CREW exclusive Giveaway.

These are also held fairly frequently and some of them are even free mints.

All of the WLs are of high quality, and even the ones that are hard to get are pulled in.

The BOSO CREW has become a very fun place to be as a result of the efforts each of us has made to make the community a great place to be.

Now, the management comes in often, and there is a strong sense of security.

As I write this, two months have passed since we minted, and I feel that a very strong community has been formed in these two months.

Sometimes we clash with each other, but even so, our goal remains the same, which is to make BŌSŌ TOKYO more exciting, so I think we're all united as one and have a strong sense of unity.

┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨
This ┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨ ┣¨ is a pictogram that is often used in Runaway Tokyo and is based on the sound of an engine.

I've really enjoyed the two months I've been involved with this community.

I can't wait to keep doing all kinds of fun stuff with the BOSO CREW!!!


[Super-important] Expectations are high for the future of BŌSŌ TOKYO.

In fact, the floor price of BŌSŌ TOKYO is going up right now.

It was down to 0.2eth at one point, but as of right now it is 0.39eth as of right now. It will double in about a week or so and will soon be equal to the presale price.

All of those who bought at the pre-sale had unrealized losses so far, but it's only a matter of time before all of them will have unrealized gains.

Why did it go up so much?

It is thought that it is a rise by expectation. What on earth are they expecting?


Actually, there's been a mysterious quiz competition going on in BŌSŌ TOKYO for a little while now.


And that quiz, a few hints have been released.

Tip one.

Strong IP, famous creators

Support promising creators.

Big name in Web3 that cares about culture.

Strong expansion to the U.S. and Asia.

Um, I have no idea...


Tip two.

...companies, brands, IPs, etc.

...NFT Metaverse.



Tip Three.

Blockchain Gaming.




Strong pipes for all

I don't know what's going on anymore.


Tip Four.

Famous street fashion brands are also part of the ecosystem, including multi-billion dollar companies.

Billions of yen!

I don't know more and more...

I wonder if we're going to be partnering up with some amazing company...?


What will happen to runaway Tokyo in the future?

That remains to be seen, but these past two months have been a lot of fun. I'm sure it will continue to entertain us in the future.

I want to support them with everything I have, and I'm sure I'll be blogging about them again.




thank you very much




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